The Art of Courtly Love. By Andreas Capellanus (New York, 1941);
“The Historical Arthur,” The Journal of English and Germanic Philology 58 (1959), 365-79

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John Jay Parry, Professor of English


The Art of Courtly Love. By Andreas Capellanus (New York, 1941);
“The Historical Arthur,” The Journal of English and Germanic Philology 58 (1959), 365-79


Career of 38 years at the University of Illinois. He came as an English instructor in 1916, which was interrupted by WWI, when he served as a second lieutenant in the American Expeditionary Forces. (1917-1919). He was appointed full Professor of English in 1939. His professional teaching interest was in the Middle Ages and particularly the Arthurian Legend.

“Professor Parry’s encyclopedic knowledge was that of the old-time humanist ever less frequently met with in this age of specialization. In him the learning of the scholar blended with the citizen of the community, each enriching each other… Few men have found so much pleasure in their knowledge, and few have had so much to enjoy. His mind ranged over the world of literature in many languages and penetrated into remote corners so that, like an experienced traveler, he had friends wherever culture had tarried and could illumine the most ungodly spot with a tale glorious, or scandalous, or funny, or terrible of what had happened there. He was, in the good, old English sense of the word, a gossip of the ages.”

–Paul Landis, In memorandum

